Monday, September 26, 2011

Shields To Show Alliance Pride

Today we are taking a look at shields that help you show off your Alliance pride. If you are wanting to represent your faction these are the shields to choose. Head past the jump to see our picks.

Royal Treasury Courier's Shield

Royal Treasury Courier's Shield - Shield ( Click to Enlarge)

While this shield (and it's now unobtainable counterpart the Dwarven Defender) not an exact replica of the Iron Forge guard shield is as close as you can get. Sporting the crest of Iron Forge itself this is a great shield for any red-blooded dwarf. This shield comes as a quest reward from the Alliance-only quest The Mosshide Job in Wetlands.

King's Bulwark

King's Bulwark - Shield (Click to Enlarge)

This shield (and it's now unobtainable counterpart the Gold Lion Shield) is the perfect shield to let everyone know you are a true defender of Stormwind. The Stormwind crest brought to life in flawless bronze. This shield comes as a reward from the quest The Twin Clefts of Nagrand (Alliance) and An Audacious Advance (Horde) in Nagrand.

Aegis of Stormwind

Aegis of Stormwind - Shield (Click to Enlarge)

This blue-hued take on the Stormwind Guard's shields is as close to the real deal as you are likely to find. This is a world drop and can often be found on the auction house. (Gold-making Tip: Buy these cheaply on the Horde where they are in lower demand and re-sell them to the Alliance.) (See also Commander's Crest.)

Grand Marshal's Aegis

Grand Marshal's Aegis - Shield (Click to Enlarge)
This seems like the shield for the Alliance players who may be just a bit *too* excited to show their Alliance pride. I love the Badges recognizing the dwarves, night elves and gnomes (suck it space goats) along with the intricate and highly detailed (for a Vanilla model) Stormwind blue and gold crest. The hash marks showing the number of Horde killed is an interesting (and slightly psychotic) addition. This shield can be purchased by Alliance in Old Town Stormwind from Lieutenant Jackspring for 185 Honor Points.

Royal Crest of Lordaeron

Royal Crest of Lordaeron - Shield (Click to Enlarge)
Anyone who want to represent the "old-school" Alliance should grab this shield. While there's a chance an Undead player might want to use this shield (as The Undercity is built on the remains of Lordaeron) I think this is really for characters yearning for an earlier time in the Alliance history. Perhaps they had this passed down to them from their ancestors in the Alliance.

This is one of the most highly detailed, stunning and well-designed shields in the game. If you want to hearken back to a simpler time, a time when Arthas was simply a prince than this is the shield for you. The shield comes out of the Dark Runed Chest available after killing Mal'Ganis in Caverns of Time: The Culling of Stratholme.

We'd love to hear about shields you feel that show Alliance or Horde pride.


  1. Alliance represent! *fistbump*
    Just a few ones...

    Royal Crest of Lordaeron

    Commander's Crest

    Grand Marshal's Aegis

    Aldori Legacy Defender - a draenei must-have, but you have to farm Gruul to get it

  2. Old Pappy HTML needs to teach you whippersnappers how to make proper links in blogger comments:

    <a href="inserturlhereincludinghttp">LinkTextHere</a>

    Royal Crest of Lordaeron

    Commander's Crest

    Grand Marshal's Aegis

    Aldori Legacy Defender

    @Khalior All joking aside thanks so much for adding these. I'll give them a look.

  3. @Khalior Thanks again. I added Grand Marshal's Aegis and Royal Crest of Lordaeron.

  4. That was just me doing a quick Wowhead check while shoving food in my stomach - there's plenty more wonderful shields.
    And oh well, that's what I get for never taking that HTML course and skateboarding on the sidewalks =P

  5. Forgot the Silvermoon Crest Shield. The blood elves were part of the alliance until very recently lorewise, so "old school" elves still might want to rock it.

  6. The Aegis of Stormwind can be relatively easily gotten by killing rares in The Blasted Lands, as they have a high (~50%) chance of dropping the Flawless Draenathyst Spheres which can be exchanged for a random blue item.
    After a few days killing the all the rares I could find each time Archeology drew me to the area, I had at least 3 Aegis of Stormwinds with relatively little effort.
